Earlier this evening Titan and Scythe went head-to-head for $3000USD and
a shot at joining the big boys in the main stage round of TheSummit
Asia. Coming into the tie the record between the Singaporean and
Malaysian teams was tilted slightly in favour of Titan, but the
experience of meracle and xFreedom was not to be underestimated.
Banning out Meracle's signature hero seemed to be of upmost importance to Titan in today's matches. Without the Naga Siren for him, Meracle was left to play the Invoker in the middle lane. The game's first blood went to Scythe as Xtinct and Yamateh dove past the tier one tower in an attempt to grab the kill on Hana's centaur. With brilliant tp's from Scythe's support, they managed to turn the gank around and got the kills on Niax and Shadow Shaman.
By grouping up early and using the Serpent Wards of the Shadow Shaman, Titan managed to take an early lead with the destruction of Scythe's tier one towers. Capitalising on this lead, a brilliant play by Puck at 12 minutes almost resulted in a team wipe for Scythe, with only the Invoker escaping. A few other similar engages saw Titan secure an early lead by the 20 minute mark.
However, this all changed when Scythe decided to group up and with precise Chronospheres from Poloson's Faceless Void, Scythe evened out the gold graph over the next 10 minutes. Slowly, the wombo-combo of Scythe's Faceless Void, Sand King and Invoker seemed unstoppable picking off Titan's heroes easily and even allowing them to lay claim on the mid raxes by the 45 minute mark. However, an epic aegis steal and with flawless play by Titan's Puck and Nyx Assasin at 48 minutes showed that Titan just wasn't ready to give up. However, their plan to take game one was thwarted when Scythe rallied together and pushed into their based through the bottom lane, forcing out a GG from Titan by the 59th minute.
Game two saw yet another Naga Siren ban by Titan. However, unlike game one, Titan secured the first blood on Hana's Centaur with the disruption-sunstrike combo. Despite rotating in xfreedom, chibix and meracle, Scythe were unable to get return kills on Titan, wasting precious time that could have been spent on trying more farm on the Spectre.
The experience of Titan's players began to show as they converted pickoffs into tower pushes constantly, resulting in a 10k gold lead for Titan by the 20th minute. Grouping up and forcing fights meant that meracle's Spectre had to constantly be fighting, delaying his radience significantly. Slowly but surely, Titan took engages convincingly and 39 minutes in, Scythe were down two lanes and 30k gold behind. Still, Scythe remained optimistic and attempted a death push down middle lane. However, it was all too late and Scythe tapped on when they saw how far behind they were.
Meracle seemed to be the key focus when it came to the banning phase as yet again, he was denied of his signature Naga Siren. Unlike the previous games, Titan surprised many with a Lone Druid pick and laned it against an Invoker. Invoker had a tough time trying to secure last hits against Kyxy's Lone Druid and before you know it, with a couple of much needed entangles and incredible movements from the malaysian team, Titan were soon 18-2 in terms of kills and had destroyed all of Scythe's outer towers.
The one sidedness of game three gave Titan a huge morale boost as they barreled through middle lane by the 26th minute, forcing Scythe to tap out, making them look like amateurs in this particular game.
It was do or die for Scythe in game 4 and they desperately needed the win, both to boost their morale and to stay in the competition. Without the Naga Siren for Meracle yet again, Scythe were in for the time of their lives against a unique Brewmaster pick by Titan.
It looked good for Scythe initially with the much needed first blood on Ohaiyo on the Elder Titan. Kills constantly went back and forth in the first 15 minutes but Scythe were able to remain ahead on the gold graph thanks to the Hand of Midas on both the Nature's Prophet and Luna. The situation however, took a turn for the worse when Scythe attempted to contest Roshan but failed, resulting in the loss of many of their core heroes. Mistakes were made by both teams throughout the game, however, one of Scythe's biggest mistake that game was underestimating the pushing capabilities of the Lycan and Brewmaster, resulting in them losing their top rax 19 minutes into the game. Even though the Brewmaster essentially fed, it drew the attention of most of Scythe's heroes, allowing the Lycan to destroy top raxes and retreat without any repurcussions.
Titan repeated the process over and over again, constantly sticking together and pushed as a five-man unit. The surprise Brewmaster pick must have caught Scythe off-guard and the game showed how unprepared Scythe were against this unique pick of Titans'. As a result, Scythe could not hold onto the game and were forced to a gg by the 30 minute mark, meaning that Titan would walk home with $3,000 and the chance to represent Southeast Asia in BTS's LAN event, The Summit.
Titan moves on to the main stage and will face teams like

Source : : Beyond the Summit's Youtube
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